Well, if I'm admitting addictions, it's truly music and books. I love music and music of all kinds. In the world of iTunes and free, illegally downloaded music, I still buy cd's because I like liner notes. And I read them from cover to cover... the lyrics, the shout outs, the musicians, the instrument manufacturers and the whole sha-bang. How else would I have known that Bonnie Rait, Keb Mo and John Mayer all contributed to the last Dixie Chicks album? Not reading the review on iTunes, that's for sure.
But back to books... I can't walk by a bookstore without going in and perusing... and usually buying, a book (or two...). I love books... old books, used books, new books, blue books. A little piece of heaven on earth for me is The Strand in NYC. A place boasting 18 miles of books (and an incredible used book collection)... and one that I can get lost in for hours... The next time you're in NYC, it's definite a must-see.
As a child, we spent a lot of time in bookstores with my parents, whether we were dropping in for a quick respite from an afternoon of errands and shopping, or discovering a gem on vacation (I remember one such place in Big Sur, pre-Borders and Barnes, when small, family-owned shops still existed. On our annual drive North on the Pacific Coast Highway, we'd always make time to stop there). The nerdy kids that we were, the only punishment that held any real weight was the threat of being grounded from going to the library. Seriously.
Now, you might not think that book-addiction is a problem, but it is when you have a stack of 20 books on your bookshelf, next to your bed and tucked in other corners of your small home that you have yet to read. And that doesn't stop you from purchasing more. The annual Newberry Library book sale in Chicago is my extreme downfall. Used and new books, preview copies, antiques, hardcover and soft... all for $1. $1!?! I can't control myself. I never walk out of there with less than 15 books. And that's only because I can't carry more than that.
Art and standard historical fiction is my favorite; but I don't discriminate. Novels, biographies, autobiographies; "Pink" books, as Kristina would say (e.g. fluffy, chick-lit, my fave being Irish and British authors); travel-logues (esp. Bill Bryson) and everything in between. I'm often attracted to books by their cover but before I buy anything I always read the first line... if I'm not inspired, it goes back on the shelf because once I've taken the leap, I can't put the book down, no matter how painful. I always have to finish what I've started. I also get sucked into topics... I once spent an entire year reading everything I could get my hands on about Hassidic culture-- both fiction and non-fiction. Just because something peaked my interest and I needed to know more.
I guess maybe I should look at it as a collection of books... I'm a collector. I have a ritual when I first buy a book: I write my name on the title page along with the city in which it was purchased and the year. I have books from all over the U.S., Italy and Australia (the U.K. versions of Harry Potter), to name a few.
Today's purchases:

And, okay, okay... a Sting import from Japan that I didn't have. But in my defense, the books were buy two get one free...
I need help.
I like the addage that you never can loan someone a book. You are always giving it to them to allow them to share it with someone else.
I think you could have far worse addictions. Like crack or MTV2.
what is going on????!?!? i see no pink books in your new collection?!?! i wanna come oer and borrow some books. just started Anne Tyler's Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant and not sure if i like it. i wanna pink book asap.
what is the deal re chipotle. do tell.
just had the last piece of DELICIOUS french toast perfection. so sad that i had to say bye bye to my version of heaven.
ps. at least you have some room to put the books... at the rate that i'm accumulating baby books and sci fi books, my collection is really being squeezed out of the way.
First off, I wholeheartedly agree with Graham. This is coming from a woman whose nearly 40 year old husband Tivos The Real World and Road Rules. Bad, bad, bad.
Second off, I only had one bite of your marvelous french toast and I would like to wholeheartedly agree with Proud Papa that it is heaven. Please do send along the recipe.
Third and last, have you ever visited Fussy's booklist? You may be especially interested in the sidebar on trading books: http://www.fussy.org/reading.html
Peace out.
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