Thursday, August 10, 2006

Good or Bad?

Discovering that the batteries inside of your remote control are oozing gross, greasy substance; remote now broken; tivo stuck on tlc; me worrying about being exposed to radiation or acid or some other type of substance that is going to make my skin peel off (though that may be from the scrubbing that ensued after coming in contact with the goo).

Good or bad? I'm guessing bad.


Anonymous said...

Not bad, but not great....
You need to get thee to Best Buy and get a new remote.

Anonymous said...

my guess is that if nothing has resulted yet from the rash, then you're a-ok. just keep an eye on it. don't worry, i'd be exactly the same way!! tivo remote broken does SUCK. we've had that happen 3x now, but all due to the dog thinking it was a great snack...