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They're multiplying like rabbits: my underpants. I did laundry today (being that I, well, finally ran out), and it is really unbelievable how many I have... so many that my underwear drawer won't close properly. I think it harbors back to the days of old... well, college (but 9 years out, that's lookin' pretty old), where, as K would attest, it was easier to buy underwear than actually do laundry. Apparently, I'm still of the same stuff b/c I am known to buy underwear when I just don't feel like schleping my clothes to the laundry room in my apartment building. I must have at least 2 months worth. Well, nothing like keeping the kid in me alive...
On another youth-reliving note, The Emmy's are on tonight, and I had NO IDEA. Now, those of you who don't know me are likely shrugging your shoulders and saying, "big whoop." But, those of you who do will likely be thinking, "Oh no!! She's finally losing it!" Alas, I think the downward spiral may be beginning.
You see, I grew up in Hollywood. I even went to "Camp Hollywoodland." T
he land where, if you're a native, you turn your head to celebrities and don't treat them like they're anything other than, well, people like you and me. But secretly, I was always thrilled beyond belief to see a star... whether it was at Mani's (my sugar-free, gourmet bakery and espresso bar where I worked), the Fashion Square (my mall, where one of the scenes from "Clueless" was filmed) or even at school (where they filmed, among other things, "90210" and "Life Goes On"). So with that mini-obsession also came the love of Awards Shows. Academy Awards, Emmy's, Golden Globes, Grammy's, AMA's, you name it, I watched it. I loved waking up early and watching E! and all the pre-game glory. I loved Joan and Melissa (come on-- Joan is a total nutcase... you can't help but love her) and all of the red carpet "what are you wearing?" nonsense. I even watched the recaps in the next week.
But today? Totally missed it. I turned the tv on at around 7:30 to see if there was anything on and lo and behold? 30 minutes into the broadcast of the Emmy's-- not even the pre-show, the ACTUAL show!! What happened? Am I losing my mojo? My A-game? Or maybe, gasp, growing up!?
Maybe, like my waning Hollywood obsession, blooming bloomers will soon be a thing of my past. Well, let's hope not.
Me too!!! What was up with the lack of Emmy hype?? At least you only missed 30 minutes. I caught the LAST 30 minutes. Total bummer because I heart the red carpet. Heart, heart, heart, heart. At least I got to see Julia win. I also heart her. And I heart the office.
And I for once, in the land of losing my mind, actually remembered! But, only because I saw an ad for it, and tivo-ed it at that exact second, and then proceeded to forget until Noa asked, "what's taping...?" The only thing that I can possibly disagree with you on is that I absolutely HATE the Rivers'. They are just too annoying to me. Even if Joan regularly makes a fool of herself, and Melissa's gowns have been pretty hideous of late. Did you SEE how low her boobs were hanging? I'm sorry, but sometimes support should be required after you have had a baby, well, if you're going to wear a dress like she had on, baring all for the world to see! :)
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