Okay, so I got a little flack for my healthy eating post yesterday, so just to prove that I'm keeping it real, I do still love hot dogs (my childhood staple, although my health-conscious parents tended to impart vegan and turkey dogs on their unsuspecting children; but my love of Dodger Dogs and subsequent move to New York prevailed and quickly rid me of that habit). One of my guilty pleasures is Big Herm's Hot Dog and Deli (anything with "hot dog" in the title has got to be good)-- home of the Chicago hot dog (loaded up with things a New Yorker would never consider putting on a dog) and the all-important pizza puff. Yummmm.
And BEST of all?! I just discovered that
Hot Dog on a Stick is now mobile. I'm totally getting them to cater my next party (and yes! HDOS is still better than the corn dogs at Cedar Point...).
Boo hot dogs. Bigger boo soy hot dogs.
I hope you approve all of my comments as I see "comment moderation has been enabled" -- let me know if I'm being too lude or something.
Soy Dogs? Gross...you must be from the Left Coast...
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