This was definitely a foreign problem for me; "Rising Damp" it's called-- where moisture literally is pulled from the ground, up the wall creating big, wet spots on the wall (up to about 3 feet high). I don't have before photos, but here's the work in progress to fix it-- basically pulling off all the walls back to the brick, and then replastering it. It was a mess... and just the beginning, I'm afraid...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Housey Mess- Part 1
Fixing the damp.
This was definitely a foreign problem for me; "Rising Damp" it's called-- where moisture literally is pulled from the ground, up the wall creating big, wet spots on the wall (up to about 3 feet high). I don't have before photos, but here's the work in progress to fix it-- basically pulling off all the walls back to the brick, and then replastering it. It was a mess... and just the beginning, I'm afraid...

This was definitely a foreign problem for me; "Rising Damp" it's called-- where moisture literally is pulled from the ground, up the wall creating big, wet spots on the wall (up to about 3 feet high). I don't have before photos, but here's the work in progress to fix it-- basically pulling off all the walls back to the brick, and then replastering it. It was a mess... and just the beginning, I'm afraid...
Monday, November 24, 2008
hello, home improvement
So, since the last update, nothing much has changed; no wonderful new cottage; no moving (saving for the wedding) and fully immersed into making the best of the not so best circumstances. All that to say, we should have left be what was. It wasn't until we started peeling away the layers (literally) that we found out that there were a plethora of problems. All I have to say is thank goodness for Mark. Not only is he allowing me to totally gut his house (that he's been perfectly happy living in for a year until I got here), but he's in constant good spirits and not at all phased by the amount of work I'm making him do (ummm... mix and pour concrete to build a shed base in the below freezing rain? No problem. Tear out a brick wall and demolish a kitchen? not even a blink of an eye).
Unfortunately, as we (or, he) tore out the kitchen, we only found more issues that the previous owner / shady builder covered up. Granted, this house is 150 years (give or take) old... so there was bound to be some essential updates that we had to do (central heating, anyone?) but i think the dishtowel-stuffed holes in the wall, and expanding foam over the electrical is a modern day quick-fix. So now, it's not just the new kitchen we planned to install ourselves, but it's the filling of holes (to the OUTSIDE of the house-- mystery as to why it's so cold in this house solved) and replastering of virtually every wall of the house (well, the walls that aren't shared, since it's a 'terraced,' aka town-house-- for you New Yorkers). Oh joy. I won't even get into the horribly old and smelly wall-to-wall carpet and vinyl without any underlay... that's getting fixed (wood floors!!) on Thursday...
But, for those who want to join in on the renovation fun, I've decided to post before and afters. I mean, it's all about schadenfreude, isn't it?? Uggghhhhh....
Unfortunately, as we (or, he) tore out the kitchen, we only found more issues that the previous owner / shady builder covered up. Granted, this house is 150 years (give or take) old... so there was bound to be some essential updates that we had to do (central heating, anyone?) but i think the dishtowel-stuffed holes in the wall, and expanding foam over the electrical is a modern day quick-fix. So now, it's not just the new kitchen we planned to install ourselves, but it's the filling of holes (to the OUTSIDE of the house-- mystery as to why it's so cold in this house solved) and replastering of virtually every wall of the house (well, the walls that aren't shared, since it's a 'terraced,' aka town-house-- for you New Yorkers). Oh joy. I won't even get into the horribly old and smelly wall-to-wall carpet and vinyl without any underlay... that's getting fixed (wood floors!!) on Thursday...
But, for those who want to join in on the renovation fun, I've decided to post before and afters. I mean, it's all about schadenfreude, isn't it?? Uggghhhhh....
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Drat! When it rains, it pours. Once again, we didn't get the house. The owner had a change of heart and has decided not to rent it, or sell it, or anything. Uggggggghhhhh. Can't a girl catch a break? So now the lovely surprise weekend away is spoiled because we have to figure out what we're going to do about a place to live-- or making this place livable. This sucks.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Update! Home Sweet Home
After a few weeks of angst, and lots and lots of phone calls, spreadsheets and heart to hearts, I am moving to the little house I posted about earlier. Yay! No, the UK banks did not have a change of heart and decide to lend me the money-- they still think that due to my limited work permit arrangement that I'm a bad risk; BUT, my genius fiance talked the real estate agent and owner of the house into renting it to us! Since the market is so terrible and she can't sell it, but needs to get out, we get to rent it! Of course, it means finding a renter for Mark's current house, and still needing to do a ton of work to get this place in shape to rent (central heating, anyone?), but if all goes well with credit checks and all, we will get to move in December 1, just in time for all of my earthly belongings that have been in storage since February to arrive.
So, cross your fingers that there are no further hiccups and I will finally no longer be homeless!!
So, cross your fingers that there are no further hiccups and I will finally no longer be homeless!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I Am The Warrior
As I've been feeling a bit defeated by life in general lately, I was looking for a pick-me-up and stumbled across this blast from the musical past. Thanks to the good old 80's (and my dear friend, Cam-- who IS the ACTUAL Warrior in this video), I'm feeling a little more energized to continue my battle against the world.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Living it up in the UK
"How are you adjusting to London?" she asked.
"Well, first of all, I live in Manchester-- and not even in Manchester but north of an actual city... because there's more to the UK than just London... which is in the southeast of the country... and, it's really just the same as moving anywhere... new people, new shops, new weather... oh. That is, if you've ever moved..."
That's the gist of most of the conversations that I have with folks-- friends and work people alike... in my head. Of course I'm not brave enough to say those things out loud. BUT, it is the frequent refrain inside this sometimes too active brain of mine. To most Americans (and some Londoners), there is no other city in England except London; the same, I suppose, as for some Europeans who only know NYC, LA and Chicago (based on the number of television shows-- which are 90% American, that are set there). And although I've tired of correcting the fact that I don't live in London... in fact, I live a good four hours away by car (two by train), I do believe that it's the same as moving anywhere... if you're used to moving, it's about settling in, getting to know your 'hood and developing your routine.
I'm used to living in small spaces... only not with another person; and while it's working out great, it's also because 90% of my belongings are not actually here yet... I shudder to think of what this place will look like when it all arrives... because, contrary to my previous post about buying a house, it looks like we're going to be stuck in our present surroundings for a few months.
That's because banks don't like expats on term limits (translation: work permits)... despite the 20% down payment, good income and the fact that I'm virtually the only one buying. Well, they're loss. The upside is that Mark owns the existing house... the mortgage is super cheap... and, despite the shady location and the fact that we can't park our car on the same street as the house b/c we're not sure if it will still be there in the morning... the reality is that my apartment in Chicago and NYC were probably smaller than this house (maybe...).
So, now it's on to the dilemma that every newly co-inhabiting couple faces... making all the stuff fit. Given I can't buy and in this market, Mark can't sell, we've gone to plan X and will likely be staying in this existing house, saving for the wedding and crossing our fingers that friends and family don't plan to visit because this place leaves MUCH to be desired. Making it all fit is the the only option we have, it seems... and I'd love visitors, so if you don't mind a crowded little terrace flat with no central heating (IT IS COLD), colorful neighbors (translation: drunk, loud, bottle-breaking on the street...), in the middle of nowhere, please do come for a visit... at least it will be an experience!
"Well, first of all, I live in Manchester-- and not even in Manchester but north of an actual city... because there's more to the UK than just London... which is in the southeast of the country... and, it's really just the same as moving anywhere... new people, new shops, new weather... oh. That is, if you've ever moved..."
That's the gist of most of the conversations that I have with folks-- friends and work people alike... in my head. Of course I'm not brave enough to say those things out loud. BUT, it is the frequent refrain inside this sometimes too active brain of mine. To most Americans (and some Londoners), there is no other city in England except London; the same, I suppose, as for some Europeans who only know NYC, LA and Chicago (based on the number of television shows-- which are 90% American, that are set there). And although I've tired of correcting the fact that I don't live in London... in fact, I live a good four hours away by car (two by train), I do believe that it's the same as moving anywhere... if you're used to moving, it's about settling in, getting to know your 'hood and developing your routine.
I'm used to living in small spaces... only not with another person; and while it's working out great, it's also because 90% of my belongings are not actually here yet... I shudder to think of what this place will look like when it all arrives... because, contrary to my previous post about buying a house, it looks like we're going to be stuck in our present surroundings for a few months.
That's because banks don't like expats on term limits (translation: work permits)... despite the 20% down payment, good income and the fact that I'm virtually the only one buying. Well, they're loss. The upside is that Mark owns the existing house... the mortgage is super cheap... and, despite the shady location and the fact that we can't park our car on the same street as the house b/c we're not sure if it will still be there in the morning... the reality is that my apartment in Chicago and NYC were probably smaller than this house (maybe...).
So, now it's on to the dilemma that every newly co-inhabiting couple faces... making all the stuff fit. Given I can't buy and in this market, Mark can't sell, we've gone to plan X and will likely be staying in this existing house, saving for the wedding and crossing our fingers that friends and family don't plan to visit because this place leaves MUCH to be desired. Making it all fit is the the only option we have, it seems... and I'd love visitors, so if you don't mind a crowded little terrace flat with no central heating (IT IS COLD), colorful neighbors (translation: drunk, loud, bottle-breaking on the street...), in the middle of nowhere, please do come for a visit... at least it will be an experience!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Still figuring it all out
- TV: The same shows are on multiple channels, 30 minutes apart... everyday; they repeat the repeats over and over and over again. So what if this country doesn't have Tivo... apparently we don't need it... even though we don't want it. (BTW-- Friends and Scrubs are on 24 hours a day. If there were more hours in a day, I'm sure this country would find a way to put them on TV).
- Buying a house: so, apparently no one wants my money. I'm a bad risk despite my much higher than average income and 20% down payment. Because the government limits my work permit terms, banks don't want to give me a mortgage. What is UP with that?!
- Gas (Petrol / Fuel): It's EXPENSIVE. Litres, gallons, whatever way you slice it; $140 to fill up a gas tank is NUTS. And we don't even have an SUV-- we have a fuel-economy car. argh...
- Friends: How do I make them when I work at home and don't go to school? Thankfully I have free calls to the US. But I miss my girlfriends...
- Beverages: Lemonade is 7-up (Beware ordering it as a mixer); lager= light beer; bitters=ales; guiness=stout/all dark beer. "fresh orange"= oj (regardless of being fresh squeezed); most barristas don't know what a cosmo is-- or grey goose, kahlua or most mixed drinks. drinking a "shandy" (beer and lemonade-- err, 7-up) is not considered drinking, and that's what the "DD" drinks.
- Driving: I'm getting better at the right-hand orientation (I no longer have a frightened Mark saying, "A little to the right, darling"), but the roundabouts have me completely befuddled. All of my good left-hand orientation karma goes out the window. So far I'm only good on motorways (highways)... country roads and regular streets (which inevitably lead to roundabouts) are a little, errr... trickier.
- Pounds vs. Dollars: can't help it. In my head, everything here is exhorbitantly expensive. A fish filet meal at McDonald's $14 (I folded... couldn't help it... I needed some American french fries, which is sad b/c i don't even eat them in America)?!? WTF?!?
- America: This is what I find myself calling it, even though it's the U.S. (and other Americans-- e.g. Canadians, Mexicans, Brazilians and other S. Americans are technically Americans as well, and some get a little miffed that the U.S. has claimed both continents).
- Madonna: Remember you people-- I start sounding like Madonna, you start telling me I'm an idiot.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Wigglesworth and Giggleswick
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Monday, September 22, 2008
Oh, Mary...

She was everywhere-- and yet, nowhere (or, maybe she's somewhere-- is TV Guide still a channel? Does she still have a gig there?). In the audience: a producer's wife; on stage: a writer; in front of the mic: Mary Tyler Moore.
Mary Tyler Moore?
Oh, yes. That Hollywood plastic surgeon has obviously been working overtime. As much as it pains me to criticize one of the queens of comedy, it's true. She has Joan Rivers' face. Or, at least her cheekbones.
It was made ever-more obvious by Betty White standing beside her onstage in all her 80-year old, natural beauty. Good old Betty White.
Maybe if I were under that sort of scrutiny-- or pressure, I might think differently of having Joan Rivers' face... well, actually... no...
2008 Emmy's,
Joan Rivers,
Mary Tyler Moore,
plastic surgery,
Friday, September 19, 2008
600 Channels (UPDATE)
So, I just found out that I can watch the Emmy's next week-- whahoo! and LIVE! I only have to stay up until 4 a.m. to do so (it starts at 1 a.m.).
I'm not really going to do that. But thought you'd be interested to know that I could.
Still miss tivo...
I'm not really going to do that. But thought you'd be interested to know that I could.
Still miss tivo...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
600 Channels...
... and nothing on tv. I know, I know... the same complaint of every obsessive, tv-loving individual. Except, really-- I MEAN it. NOTHING. This is primetime... fall sweeps... when all the series we know and love pick back up. It's my play-off season. And I am in ENGLAND. Most [sane] people wouldn't appreciate the full impact of that statement. So let me spell it out for you. NO NEW TV. AT ALL.
Maybe further clarification is in order.
The UK, like the US, has cable tv. That translates to hundreds and hundreds of channels that you could never possibly watch. And (for me), even better: it's mostly US shows. Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI, Law and Order, Grey's, Desperate Housewives, you name it, they've got it. Except, it's old. Re-run central... all the time. No new episodes. At all. And, to add insult to injury, the SAME shows are repeated multiple times PER DAY. While we've come to expect this during daytime hours (which, really doesn't matter since the majority of us are working during the day or chasing after little ones so can't eat let alone switch on the tv), it's the same at NIGHT. No new TV. What's up with that?
I'm especially disappointed that I do not get to partake in the 90210 remake action. I know... I'm sad with a capital SAD. I got to catch the first two episodes of the renewed series, and I am beyond disappointed that I won't get to find out who Kelly's son's father is; what happens to Brenda; if Donna will make an appearance (or any of the old cast, for that matter)... errr, yeah... sort of only into the original cast; although, I have to say, the new kids are intriguing... and while this new-fangled trend of offering full episodes free on network websites (see my post on the topic from a few years ago) is still the best thing since sliced bread, I have less appreciation for it given they BLOCK non-U.S. downloads / viewers. What's this discrimination about?!
When new shows do air here, they're about 6 months behind the US schedule... and how I hate to be missing stuff... it's why I don't sleep... I don't want to miss anything. *SIGH* So, if any of you, dear readers, might be willing to keep me posted on the happenings of my favorite tv characters, I would be forever in your debt. One thing is for sure. It's a good thing that I like Friends. Because it's on tv... all day... everyday... I'll Be There For You indeed.
P.S. I still miss Tivo.
Maybe further clarification is in order.
The UK, like the US, has cable tv. That translates to hundreds and hundreds of channels that you could never possibly watch. And (for me), even better: it's mostly US shows. Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI, Law and Order, Grey's, Desperate Housewives, you name it, they've got it. Except, it's old. Re-run central... all the time. No new episodes. At all. And, to add insult to injury, the SAME shows are repeated multiple times PER DAY. While we've come to expect this during daytime hours (which, really doesn't matter since the majority of us are working during the day or chasing after little ones so can't eat let alone switch on the tv), it's the same at NIGHT. No new TV. What's up with that?
I'm especially disappointed that I do not get to partake in the 90210 remake action. I know... I'm sad with a capital SAD. I got to catch the first two episodes of the renewed series, and I am beyond disappointed that I won't get to find out who Kelly's son's father is; what happens to Brenda; if Donna will make an appearance (or any of the old cast, for that matter)... errr, yeah... sort of only into the original cast; although, I have to say, the new kids are intriguing... and while this new-fangled trend of offering full episodes free on network websites (see my post on the topic from a few years ago) is still the best thing since sliced bread, I have less appreciation for it given they BLOCK non-U.S. downloads / viewers. What's this discrimination about?!
When new shows do air here, they're about 6 months behind the US schedule... and how I hate to be missing stuff... it's why I don't sleep... I don't want to miss anything. *SIGH* So, if any of you, dear readers, might be willing to keep me posted on the happenings of my favorite tv characters, I would be forever in your debt. One thing is for sure. It's a good thing that I like Friends. Because it's on tv... all day... everyday... I'll Be There For You indeed.
P.S. I still miss Tivo.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Project Mo(u)ld
mold (Brit. mould). noun. a furry growth of minute fungal hyphae ocurring typically in moist warm conditions, esp. on food or other organic matter.So, in addition to the endless rain that seems omnipresent in this neck of the woods (I miss you, Al Roker), I've been introduced to a new friend: mo(u)ld. Yes; in the UK it is spelled with a u (see previous post). Unfortunately, it's not mould as in on the garden wall or back steps... but mould as in on my clothes that are happily hung in the closet. ummmm... yeah. And apparently, while use of a space heater is a good thing when it comes to warming up the damp cold house, it's a very, very bad thing when it comes to a breeding ground for mould all over my work suits, cashmere sweaters and courdoroy... and basically everything else made of natural fibers (including leather shoes). Good news-- all my fake, leather, $10 H&M bags are safe. Next (and urgent) purchase: Dehumidifier.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Out and Proud
My name is Mikie. And I'm a Yank.
This has never been as painfully obvious as when I'm tooling about town doing menial things like buying groceries or visiting the post office. Even greeting people on the street ("you tawkin' to me?") seems to be an exercise in foreign behavior, but I don't know if that's too many years living in NYC, or truly a result of living in a new country (of course, if you saw the 'hood that I'm in now, you wouldn't talk to people on the street either. Ha-- so much for big city living prepping me for anything!). As I attempt to adopt British-isms (without sounding like Madonna), I have started to document the following insights:
This has never been as painfully obvious as when I'm tooling about town doing menial things like buying groceries or visiting the post office. Even greeting people on the street ("you tawkin' to me?") seems to be an exercise in foreign behavior, but I don't know if that's too many years living in NYC, or truly a result of living in a new country (of course, if you saw the 'hood that I'm in now, you wouldn't talk to people on the street either. Ha-- so much for big city living prepping me for anything!). As I attempt to adopt British-isms (without sounding like Madonna), I have started to document the following insights:
- Note that you are taking coffee "to take away" as opposed to "to go" (applies for fast food and even liquor-- yes! no open container laws here).
- Doggie bags are gauche here. Don't finish your extraordinarily large portion of food (because the U.S. is not the only obese nation anymore, after all)? You're out of luck. It's going in the trash.
- "Z's" are "S's" and things have random "U's" inserted... behavioUr; honoUr.
- People look at you funny when you say "thank you" or "have a good day." Okay, not necessarily an oddity reserved for the UK, but my parents raised me to be polite, so I'll continue to complain about this wherever I am.
- "How are you?" will solicit equally odd looks. Replace with "Are you alright?" but run it together so that it sounds like "Awyouaiight?" Hmmm... perhaps New Yorkers would fit in better here than originally thought...
- "Hello" or "Hi" is "Hiya."
- Crock pots are Slow Cookers.
- They don't have Ziploc bags... plastic ones with ties instead. Definitely not as convenient.
- It's not "ground" beef it's "minced."
- You make breadcrumbs, not buy them.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I'm An Alien

Don't drink coffee, I drink tea my dear...
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Holy A Cappella
No pun intended (well, okay, maybe a little bit of one intended). The times sure have a-changed since my a cappella days. Check out the group (ALL-FEMALE AT THAT!!) who won the National Collegiate A Cappella Championships last year... there's NO WAY we could have pulled this off (especially with my tragic lack of coordination). This is BYU's Noteworthy.
Post Script: And what is UP with every Mormon (at least that I know) being uber-talented? Is there not one tone-deaf / dance-challenged person in the bunch?
Post Script: And what is UP with every Mormon (at least that I know) being uber-talented? Is there not one tone-deaf / dance-challenged person in the bunch?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Morning Ritual
- wake up at ungodly hour for first of many conference calls
- check facebook to see what friends are up to (so much less time-consuming than actually calling or e-mailing!)
- check gmail to see what bills there are to pay; junk mail to trash
- work, work, work
- if lucky, shower before noon
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Call
We all screen... it's a fact of life. Some of us willingly admit it; others feign busy schedules, work or kids (holy crap-- we're old enough to use children as an excuse). But the reality is, we do screen. But there's that one person... or perhaps a handful, for whom you will always answer the call-- no matter the time of day, who you're with or what you're doing... I can think of three. Who's your call?
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Right Back Where We Started From

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Advance Australia Fair

Cut to 16 years later and there I am, in Sydney, working at the 2000 Summer Games in the International Media Center. As an unofficial member of the press, I had access to the International Broadcasting Center, the Athletes Village and most of the Village. It was an exhilarating and unforgettable experience... one I'd have liked to repeat over and over again. The Aussies were welcoming hosts, greeting foreign guests with enthusiastic "G'Day!'s"-- and I, swept up in the pomp and circumstance, found myself chanting along with the crowds, "Aussie! Aussie! Aussie, Oi! Oi! Oi!" I even learned the country's national anthem "Advance Australia Fair." I don't think it's the love of sports (I mean, anyone who knows me knows that isn't it!), but I guess the spirit of comeraderie and, peace really, that it promotes. Being in the Olympic Village in Sydney was, well, for lack of a better word, magical. The competition wasn't marred by bitter rivalries or ill-will; even between countries that you would expect there to be some tension. It was the spirit of true sportsmanship that ruled throughout-- if only our governments could be so grown-up.
The Beijing Olympics are underway, and China started off with a bang. The media was clamouring for controversy, continually focusing in on President Sarkozy and speculating that the crowd would "boo" the French contingency when they walked into the stadium because of Sarkozy's threat to boycot. But what happened? A loud cheer broke out as they entered-- the greeting that all of the would-be champions, the strongest, fastest and most determined sportsmen from our nations, deserved. Take that, doubters. The Opening Ceremonies was the most spectacular that I've seen. And the media manipulation rampant, to which I always fall victim. An easy crier, I found myself sniffling throughout the show as they successfully tugged at my emotional strings. It's probably one of my favorite things about the Olympics-- that each and every person has a story-- athletes, families, workers and spectators alike. The most compelling of last night was probably the 9-year old boy who, buried in rubble after the earthquake earlier in the summer, dug his way out and went back to rescue two of his classmates. 20 out of the 30 students at his school died, and when asked why he went back, he answered, "I am a hall monitor; it's my job." He led the Chinese contingent, walking along basketball great, flagbearer Yao Ming. I know it's only the beginning, and I'm certain I can count on my friends at NBC to profile all the great athletes' sobbiest of stories.
So, here's our opportunity to show some country pride, no matter what country we're from. I'll be rooting for my US favorites, but don't be surprised if I break into a little "Australians all let us rejoice..." when my friends from Oz triumph too. After all, isn't that the spirit of the Olympics?
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Almost Famous
My wonderful Dad brought home a little gift for me tonight: "Pitch Perfect: The Quest for Collegiate A Cappella Glory." For those of you who don't know, yes, I was an a cappella singer in college. In fact, we were one of "those" groups that author Mickey Rapkin details as he "...follows a season in a cappella through all its twists and turns, covering the breathtaking displays of vocal talent, the groupies (yes, a cappella singers have groupies), the rock-star partying, ... and all the bitter rivalries." In the prologue, Rapkin relates the story of Denise Sandole-- an AOL music exec who was attending the Grammy's in 2005, and was cheering for her then unknown, but about to be uber-famous, friend who happened to be introducing Kanye West that evening. Rapkin goes on to tell how they met-- in college, when they were members of the same a cappella group, the UPenn Counterparts. He also throws in that in 1997 Sandole and said presenter performed together at Carnegie Hall where they, with their group, competed in the National Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (NCCA) (no joke-- it actually exists; and now it's the International competition, because peeps across the pond wanted in on the action).
Anywhoo-- a little bell went off in my head. I thought, "hey-- wait a second; we competed in the NCCA in 1997... and we lost in the semi-finals, which happened to be in Pennsylvania (at Haverford). I couldn't for the life of me remember who won, but a few minutes of internet sleuthing later and lo and behold I found that, indeed, we did lose to UPenn in the semi-finals that year. What I remember about that night (besides a bit of a major non-a cappella-related disaster) was that although we didn't win the overall competition that would have moved us to the finals at Lincoln Center, our "pitch" (musical director), Amanda Weeden, won best soloist-- beating out Sandole's friend, who was runner-up that evening. The friend? John Stephens-- better known today as John Legend.
BooYaw! Amanda, still an amazing vocalist, you had star power even back then. And I continue on my quest to be almost famous!
Anywhoo-- a little bell went off in my head. I thought, "hey-- wait a second; we competed in the NCCA in 1997... and we lost in the semi-finals, which happened to be in Pennsylvania (at Haverford). I couldn't for the life of me remember who won, but a few minutes of internet sleuthing later and lo and behold I found that, indeed, we did lose to UPenn in the semi-finals that year. What I remember about that night (besides a bit of a major non-a cappella-related disaster) was that although we didn't win the overall competition that would have moved us to the finals at Lincoln Center, our "pitch" (musical director), Amanda Weeden, won best soloist-- beating out Sandole's friend, who was runner-up that evening. The friend? John Stephens-- better known today as John Legend.
BooYaw! Amanda, still an amazing vocalist, you had star power even back then. And I continue on my quest to be almost famous!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Vacation Countdown
Or is it holiday, now that I almost live in the UK? Either way, there are 8 more days until I get much-needed break, having not had a "real" vacation in over a year. 2 weeks in Hawaii-- whoohoo! One might even say it's super.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
**UPDATED**Introducing: Makena Anne Allen

In Memoriam: Ken Reich

Sunday, June 01, 2008
Me So Britain
Okay, so maybe not yet... I'm just here on a trip, but getting closer to the move (sorry Mom and Dad... my temporary two week stay having morphed into 4 months...). In any case, in America we have Idol (well, truth be told, we stole that one from the Brits), and in the UK, they have Britain's Got Talent. And lots of it too. Check out this act who made it all the way to the finals...
sorry for the sporadic posting... I'm working on it!!
sorry for the sporadic posting... I'm working on it!!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Ha! Good thing, I guess! I'll be close enough... I promise I didn't cheat. It must be because I don't like chocolate (or dessert in general) so I picked the blandest one... and we all know the rumor about British food...
Thanks to S for the fun quiz!
Thanks to S for the fun quiz!
You Belong in London |
You belong in London, but you belong in many cities... Hong Kong, San Francisco, Sidney. You fit in almost anywhere. And London is diverse and international enough to satisfy many of your tastes. From curry to Shakespeare, London (almost) has it all! |
Friday, March 14, 2008
Welcome to the World, Baby Kieran!

And the best thing? He's 5 days old and has his own website. A whole website! How cool is that?? Looking forward to keeping up on all of Kieran's adventures.
Congratulations, you three! XOXO.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Super Tuesday
Regardless of which way you are voting (if your primary is today), remember this: it's important to just vote. We all have a voice. It's a matter of using it.
Thought this article in the NYT a couple of weeks ago was particularly interesting-- especially in the area of having a voice. This 26-year old superstar gives me hope that our voice is being heard. Speechwriting is a marriage of sorts-- for writer to be able to to channel a talented speaker, capture their voice... and collaborate with them to create, well, magic. You can certainly see that magic coming through this team.
Thought this article in the NYT a couple of weeks ago was particularly interesting-- especially in the area of having a voice. This 26-year old superstar gives me hope that our voice is being heard. Speechwriting is a marriage of sorts-- for writer to be able to to channel a talented speaker, capture their voice... and collaborate with them to create, well, magic. You can certainly see that magic coming through this team.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Moving Sale!

In any case, my dear friend, J, is and was, a VERY dear friend today, in helping me organize and more importantly purge for the move ahead-- 12 trash bags full of clothes, bags, coats and random electronic equipment, 2 boxes of dishes, 6 trash bags and even a boom box later, I feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders. My fiance (WOW THAT'S WEIRD TO WRITE) couldn't believe that I had that much stuff to get rid of (oh, the wonders that he has yet to experience with his bride-to-be's prowess for storage...), but I certainly did. Not only did J spend a good 8 hours being my conscience (do I really need another black tank top?) and cheerleader, she also carted the bags and boxes for donation to Salvation Army for me and posted various wares on Craig's List. Oh yes-- I'm going retail, with some of my favorite possessions up for the taking. They've been very good to me over the years... hopefully they'll bring happiness to their next home too.
Saturday, January 05, 2008
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