I'm a legal alien. I'm a New Yorker in England. Okay, well, New Yorker twice removed. But Sting's song wouldn't work otherwise... and you know how I love me some Sting. In any case-- I've arrived!! Let the wayfaring begin! Now that I've finally made it across the pond, I promise to be more consistent with updates... and hopefully they will include photos of the beautiful places I plan to attend. Next up: Manchester City Centre, Preston and London. Okay, so not too thrilling... but, wayfaring just the same (and considering I continue to avoid driving... well, certainly on the wrong side of the roads here, it will be an adventure nonetheless). Tales of public transportation outside of London (the horror!) and becoming a resident (national insurance numbers? tax codes?) abound. Hope you're looking forward to the headaches-- err, ride, as much as I am. Good news is that this time I only got held for 10 minutes in immigration this time. Yahoo!
Don't drink coffee, I drink tea my dear...
That is the weirdest photo ever.
ha! thanks! i know you love it. i'll take it as a compliment. come on-- who else could find a proper application of an alien in a teacup?!
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