Saturday, August 20, 2011

Off to the Peaks

Whoop-whoop! Wayfarin' weekend, and we're off to a part of England I've never been to: The Peak District. Located in north-central England (it's pretty big for a small country), The Peaks is the first national park in the British Isles. With an estimated 22 million visitors per year, the Peak District is thought to be the second most visited national park in the world (after the Mount Fuji National Park in Japan). Who knew?

Thanks to my "only friend in England" (the wonderful Liz), we're off for a weekend jaunt around the countryside with she and her equally wonderful Kelvin. The plan is to explore the little villages in the central eastern part of the Peaks today and then tomorrow spend the day at Chatsworth House, an historic home and estate where many a movie has been filmed, including The Duchess, Pride and Prejudice (The Keira Knightly version; The BBC Classic-Colin-Firth-*SIGH*-version was filmed at another historic Peaks home, Lyme Park) and The Wolfman (errr-- did anyone see that movie??).

It's a strange mix of sun and rain today, so I think it will be a Wellie kind of a day. And even though it's summer, it's 60 degrees (yes, people-- in August), so jackets and woolly socks will come along as well. Stay tuned for photos!