Ummm... maybe you haven't heard about it, but there have been riots all across England for the last 4 days. What, you say? England-- the land of high-brow, sophisticated, and proper people? Ummm... yeah. What allegedly started as a reaction to the shooting of a peaceful protester by police in London turned into absolute ridiculousness of bored youth taking advantage of the situation to get free stuff. All. Around. The. Country.
People are speculating that it's this generation of entitlement brought on by lack of discipline, decent parenting and a "nanny state" where parents, schools or other authorities can't scold children for fear of being brought up on abuse charges. And boy, have these "kids" shown the results of this wise practice. Part of it is the kids themselves-- but I don't think any of us is innocent in this situation. How can you teach right and wrong when 1) the government is telling you that you can't; 2) babies are having babies with no support; 3) poor education; and, 4) no role models. And probably a billion other things.
Any way you slice it, it's just plain wrong. All these kids seriously need a good spanking. It would have probably done them good years ago.
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