Saturday, December 16, 2006

Rock Like a Jingle Bell

I like to keep it real. Even though at this point I can no longer deny that I am indeed a full-fledged adult, there are still some things I can't shake:
  • I still say "dude" all the time, as in "Dude! Did you see that nutso driver?"
  • I crack myself up (which in turn makes people laugh, so it's pretty rewarding)
  • I still rent instead of own
  • I can stay in my pjs all day and watch tv and not feel guilty
  • My refridgerator is always empty
  • I don't make my bed
  • My guilty pleasure is watching really, really bad t.v. and reading celebrity gossip rags
  • I say "YOU ROCK!" when I'm particularly excited about something-- be it personally or professionally
So, today I wrote in an e-mail to a co-worker, "You rock like a jingle bell" and accomplished two of my not quite an adult goals: 1) using "you rock" in all relevant circumstances and 2) cracking myself up.