Friday, July 14, 2006


After nearly three weeks of nonstop travel, I'm finally back and internet-enabled. Yahoo! But I have to say, after being in a plethora of airports, and given the amount of travel that I do on a semi-regular basis, what I don't get is how people don't know what their luggage looks like.

While I know that airports around the country (and world, no doubt) post warning signs of "baggage look-alikes," come on, people. It's not that hard.

On the last three flights that I've taken (in a week and a half), I've seen my suitcase picked up-- count 'em-- 5 times. As in picked up, taken off the carousel and then put back when the unsuspecting (translation: dumbass) traveler realizes that they've commandeered the wrong bag. Now, I must digress and scold myself for checking the bag in the first place. A cardinal sin for the gal who had luggage lost on both an outgoing and incoming flight-- for the same trip; and also for the, what I consider myself to be, seasoned business traveler. But alas (*sigh*), sometimes it is unavoidable.

In any case-- I could tell it was my bag-- from 20 feet away, even without seeing my bright, colorful Hawaiian luggage tag. And yet, it was still pulled off the carousel-- two times on yesterday's trip, by two different people. And I can't even count how many times I was shoved out of the way by people, bent over, chasing bags around the carousel, trying to ascertain whether the bag was theirs.



Anonymous said...

People are idiots...or maybe it's just that we take it for granted that we travel as much as we do. Most people just don't travel, hence the idiocy. Is that a word? Any way, maybe it's just that we're lucky. Or, people are idiots...