Friday, May 26, 2006

Things That Make Me Smile

Everyday there are little things-- little observations of the world that humble me, make me angry, and most of all, make me smile. I try to file these things away for a rainy day, so to speak... to try to conjure up the happy things in the midst of a meltdown at work (the hitting your head against your desk moments that unfortunately for me has been a daily event, but I'm sure we've all felt). So I decided that I would write down those happy moments so when I'm having a bad day (tomorrow), I can remember these little things:

  1. A man walking in front of me with the right leg of his trousers tucked into his sock
  2. Listening to Sting and hearing him say "pro-gress" (British) rather than "praw-gress" (American)
  3. Watching an oblivious man continually hit people in the head with his ridiculously large duffle bag as he walked down the aisle of the bus (yes, yes, a schadenfreude moment...)
  4. Watching Paris Bennett sing with Al Jarreau (the only time this year that I've watched American Idol, but I have to say, the finalists better be damned good if this girl got kicked off...)
  5. Spending my lunch hour (oh, okay... maybe a little... or a lot... longer than an hour) researching a potential vacation working on an archaeological dig in Romania
  6. Talking to my sis and listening to her voice "laugh" as she looked at her smiling daughter
  7. Eating an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie from Potbelly's (which, if you haven't had one, are the PERFECT, still-slightly-doughy, undercooked cookies you've ever had).
  8. Prince popping up in a surprise performance on American Idol (aren't I glad I tuned in)-- and holy crap, are those kids freakin' talented.
  9. Top Chef (as a self-proclaimed "foodie", love, love, LOVE that show!!)
  10. The Dixie Chicks' new album-- come on, peeps! REPRESENT!! Support the girls in the fight against the right-winged-closed-mindedness!


Anonymous said...

You're the best :)! YOU make me smile :)!!