Autumn has always been my favorite time of year-- it still is for the most part although living in the UK significantly reduces the joy due the rather temperate climate where you don't go from a blistering hot summer to wonderful cooler Fall where even the air smells different. Not to mention the lack of celebrations that mark a typical US Fall season-- from Halloween to Thanksgiving. Plus the leaves aren't the same amazing colors as in the Northeastern US, somewhat diminishing the effect. So, you would forgive me my surprise at finding that I may be converting to a lover of Spring and, gasp! Summer! I think Summer mostly because it's so mild here and never really exceeds the 70s (Fahrenheit), which is my ideal temperature (I hate heat-- funny from a girl who grew up in the desert). But I'm especially enjoying Spring this year because all the flowers are coming into bloom in my little garden (well, the ones that I haven't killed or are hearty enough to have somehow lasted through the Winter). My favorite is the hearty little lilac tree that's now survived two Winters and still thriving. These are some early buds chopped to accompany the ranunculus (that I still haven't killed!). The tree itself is beautiful-- I'm a sucker for flowers (my mother's daughter), so a flowering TREE is even better! I'll post a photo in a few days when it's in full bloom.
Oh, lilacs. (Swoon.) Post pictures. I wish you could post the perfume.
don't you just love the scent? the little tree is plugging along-- remarkably well considering it's in a pot (our little "garden" is concrete-- now decked, so no where to properly plant it). the only challenge is the cuttings... they die the same day... they seem to last longer when I don't put them in water... what am I doing wrong?
Are the flowers in this photo from your garden? The pink one is AWESOME.
they are! the purple is lilac from a tree, and the pink is ranunculus, in a pot... the ranunculus is all dead now. :( doesn't take me long! both were in my bridal bouquet. :)
i'm sooo not crazy! i keep telling people that lilac smells way better than lavender, but 60% of local people say i'm crazy. the only way for me to get my lilac fix is purely perfumania cause cut blooms just aren't abundant here in hawaii (i wonder why). keep posting the lilac pics, even if they only last the day!
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