I've had very few house guests since moving to the UK, and none longer than a couple of nights at most. This guy is with us for two weeks while my sister-in-law and new brother-in-law are on their honeymoon. While it's not giving me any sort of urge to have a pet (my house is too small and my aversion to mess and smells is not doing well under the pressure although I have to say I'm coping remarkably well with the hair), this little one (he's still an adolescent) is certainly a lover. He is seriously the most cuddly cat I've ever come into contact with and wants to be in your lap and petted all the time. Plus he looks remarkably like my childhood cat, Max (with the exception of his amber eyes; Max's were green), making me instantly fall in love with him-- cat hair and all. This is him within an hour of his arrival with us-- helping me out with work. I have to say, analysis of health care spending across the G7 has been a lot more pleasant with his company.
he looks just like maxie in this picture!
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