Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sew-lusions of grandeur

I'm thinking about taking a sewing class. It's not a new idea... I remember thinking about it way back when I lived in New York... and again in Chicago... even going so far as to try to find a class. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a sewing class. Home economics doesn't exist for the adult set, I guess. Maybe because we good girls should have taken Home Ec in junior high and high school when we were supposed to be learning about being good wives (I mean, 'cause come on-- even though my mother's generation liberated us, clearly the message wasn't passed down to the public education system who still offer Home Ec as a regular course selection). I took student government and AP classes like calculus and art history instead (of course)-- which I suppose was my way of turning my nose up at the domestic smothering that the public school system was trying to cram down my throat.

However, now that I'm older and a tad more level headed, I realize that some of those skills might have been good to learn... like sewing. I mean, how often do you need to sew a button back on a coat, or hem a pair of pants... or sew patches/badges on a shirt (okay, maybe not so much the latter, but believe it or not, I actually have had the need to do that and it was not, shall we say, an optimal outcome). Plus, I have very happy memories of my full-time working mom making our Halloween costumes; Of field trips to the fabric store to flip through patterns to find just the right costumes. And I'm not talking run-of-the-mill ghosts made out of bed sheets. I'm talking about proper, better than you'd ever buy in a store, costumes. Clowns, Spiders, Watermelon slices (Aloha); Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, Princesses and, errr... Princesses (Me). They were fantastic! She also made beautiful dresses for special occasions-- holidays, school plays. It was the best. She is the best.

I've been thinking a lot about that; not only how it would be handy to do some repair work myself, but also actually be able to make something. Have you ever been in the situation where you have some event coming up and you have in your mind a picture of the perfect dress? Only you can't find anything to match what you've conjured up in your head? Imagine if you could just whip it up yourself?? I don't really have a passion for fashion in the haute couture kind of way. I do love me some Anthropologie and am a little obsessed with Rachel Zoe because she's bananas-- in every sense of the word (sorry couldn't resist). But a desire to design clothes? Not in the slightest. But lo and behold, a swift Internet search of sewing in Burnley turned up a 10-week adult education course at the local College. It seems a little excessive for my needs, but for 100 bucks (or pounds...) meaning 10 GBP per class, it's a pretty good deal. And if I do have a child one day, it would be pretty great if I could make their Halloween costumes from scratch and give them a memory that will always remind them of how much their mom loved them.


alohab said...

i *heart* rachel zoe.

M. L. Benedict said...

I love to sew so much that I have a backup straight-stitch Singer just like the one in your picture, just in case my more modern zig-zag has to go to the shop. Usually places that sell machines offer classes, but the one you found sounds like a good deal. The only hard part of sewing is threading the needle.

Kristina said...

That is so fun!!! I'd love to join you. just signed up for a tennis class today (inspired by groupon) but I think I'd like to learn how to sew much more. The two buttons on my counter have been there far to long at the point and I'd like Will to wear those cords before winter is over.

If you take it, send me some cliff notes. :-)

maikib said...

haha! i doubt that, aunty mikie! you are an incredibly talented and creative woman, and equally talented at making clothes! I loved your dress that you made for my wedding. And I have fond memories of summers with you and making things. In fact, I remember a white silk scarf you sewed for a former student who worked at the school (?) next to your old montara house... it wasn't a school, and I can't remember if she was actually a former student or that she worked there... but I remember the scarf and aloha and I being so excited to give it to her, and I'm pretty sure you took is there to give it to her. I also remember you saying it was like an old-fashioned pilot's scarf-- like amelia earhart or charles lindbergh would wear. :)

M. L. Benedict said...

I don't remember that scarf at all! I remember making little padded jackets for you and Aloha when you came up for Nonda and KA's wedding in August because it was so cold!