Couldn't resist posting photos of the deliciously adorable Miss Amelia. No, it's not because her
mom doesn't (dig-dig-dig). It's because she's just too cute not to share. Plus, the outfit is courtesy of me (right down to the shoes-- although admittedly, the shoes were more for her
Camper lovin' mom and gifted when Amelia was still in the womb. But who would have known my fore-thought for the outfit purchased nearly a year later would have paid off so well and in such a coordinated way?). Future fashionista indeed (Amelia, that is. Not so much me...).
P.S. I made the blanket too. I may not be able to sew but man, can I crochet square objects.
These photos don't even do the outfit justice. The shirt is AWESOME and she can sport the top all spring, summer, fall, well until I can't get the thing on her anymore. It has little flowers and some shimmer with metallic ribbon (soft). If it came in my size, I'd be all over it. And her socks, courtesy of Mikie to Andrew (the ONLY boy clothes that made the cut into Amelia's wardrobe) have little monkeys on them.
& Mikie you are not a future fashionista like Amelia but a veteran fashionista. You like shoes too much not to be.
love it :)! she keeps my girls extremely well-dressed as well.
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