... and nothing on tv. I know, I know... the same complaint of every obsessive, tv-loving individual. Except, really-- I MEAN it. NOTHING. This is primetime... fall sweeps... when all the series we know and love pick back up. It's my play-off season. And I am in ENGLAND. Most [sane] people wouldn't appreciate the full impact of that statement. So let me spell it out for you. NO NEW TV. AT ALL.
Maybe further clarification is in order.
The UK, like the US, has cable tv. That translates to hundreds and hundreds of channels that you could never possibly watch. And (for me), even better: it's mostly US shows. Friends, Everybody Loves Raymond, CSI, Law and Order, Grey's, Desperate Housewives, you name it, they've got it. Except, it's old. Re-run central... all the time. No new episodes. At all. And, to add insult to injury, the SAME shows are repeated multiple times PER DAY. While we've come to expect this during daytime hours (which, really doesn't matter since the majority of us are working during the day or chasing after little ones so can't eat let alone switch on the tv), it's the same at NIGHT. No new TV. What's up with that?
I'm especially disappointed that I do not get to partake in the 90210 remake action. I know... I'm sad with a capital SAD. I got to catch the first two episodes of the renewed series, and I am beyond disappointed that I won't get to find out who Kelly's son's father is; what happens to Brenda; if Donna will make an appearance (or any of the old cast, for that matter)... errr, yeah... sort of only into the original cast; although, I have to say, the new kids are intriguing... and while this new-fangled trend of offering full episodes free on network websites (see my
post on the topic from a few years ago) is still the best thing since sliced bread, I have less appreciation for it given they BLOCK non-U.S. downloads / viewers. What's this discrimination about?!
When new shows do air here, they're about 6 months behind the US schedule... and how I hate to be missing stuff... it's why I don't sleep... I don't want to miss anything. *SIGH* So, if any of you, dear readers, might be willing to keep me posted on the happenings of my favorite tv characters, I would be forever in your debt. One thing is for sure. It's a good thing that I like Friends. Because it's on tv... all day... everyday... I'll Be There For You indeed.
P.S. I still miss Tivo.