And what do I have to say to that?
That means my copy of the latest (and last) Harry Potter installment is on its way, scheduled to be delivered the day it's dropped-- Saturday, July 21.
Anticipation is just seeping out of me. Yes, I'm a HP fanatic (sad at 31 years of age? But seriously, I stand by my statement that these books are not just for kids-- they're scary and gut-wrenching and, well, distinctly adult). I'm in full-blown mania: saw "Order of the Phoenix" (book 5, for all you non-HP-fanatics) on opening night with my friend "e" who also has never missed a HP premiere (thanks, e, for coordinating!!) and re-read "Half-Blood Prince" (book 6) this week so I could recall all the important details going into "Deathly Hallows."
I must admit however, I'm having mixed emotions about this whole thing. While I can't wait to see how it ends, it's ending... this amazing fantasy world that J.K. Rowling has created for us is coming to a close... I know I'll be so sad when it ends... like saying goodbye to a friend. But at the same time, so I'm so excited to see how it ends! I know, nuts, right? I love books... and often feel a little lost after I've finished a great read. But the HP series is different... it's been a constant companion for nearly 10 years now (can you believe it??). How do you say goodbye to that?
And my other dilemma? Do I control myself and wait until my mailman drops off the long-awaited delivery (which on Saturdays tends to be in the late afternoon...), or chuck it all and be waiting in front of the bookstore when it opens at 10? Hmmm... what to do...
Or the other option is to come to the midnight party with me...
: )
So which did you do?
Wait for the mailman or get it at the bookstore?
Dad and I are reading it in tandem. He gets it when I'm not home. I get it whenever I'm home.
Fight? Not yet.
Yeah, I guess we should have bought two copies. What about using your English "connection" to get their version? Would at least the dust jacket be different?
I heard on the news that the line at one London store was more than 1/2 mile long to get the book at midnight when it was released! The store reportedly had 10,000 copies, which they thought would be sufficient (haven't heard if it actually was...).
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