He's the candidate that you want to believe in-- separating himself from the "Washington Insiders" and the establishment; supporting health care reform and education, as do they all, of course. But among the very smart things that he said tonight, there was a particular gem about the war: "We have to be as careful about getting out of the war as we were careless getting into it." He may not have voted for the war (well, because he wasn't in a position to do so yet), or support the reasons why we are in it-- but he supports the troops and doesn't want to see one more American soldier killed; by pulling funding (of which many are in favor), it means no armor, no weapons, no protection for the soldiers. This is a man that we should get behind. This is someone that I can believe in.
But for the time being, I'm reserving making a decision. There's a lot more race to run... and we've only just begun to get to know those who have thrown their hat into it-- even the junior senator from Illinois. And we have not only the luxury of time, but the obligation to learn and educate ourselves about all of the candidates. We are a democratic nation-- and we can only continue to be one if we make educated decisions and actually elect a leader who not only has our best interests at heart, but can also represent our nation-- and repair its image, on the global stage.
Hope is an iffy thing at best... something that I tend to want to squash in myself. But this is a man that inspires people to actually believe that we can make a difference-- who makes people believe that change is possible. Perhaps it shouldn't be about audacity at all-- but rather, an obligation. Not only to hope, but to actually do.
and let us not forget the fact that he was raised primarily in Hawaii and graduated from Punahou...he may lack the experience that many feel is necessary to be the leader of the US of A but look what "experience" got us into these past few years.
Over the past few months amongst all this speculation as to whether or not Obama will run, I have been wondering if he has enough experience, if it is the right time for him, if it's too early. Don't get me wrong, I think that he is dynamic, smart, definitely a good thing for this country, but is it the right time? Then, I heard something from longtime Hawaii Congressman, Neil Abercrombie on the issue, and he said that "sometimes you don't choose the time, the times choose you. He is the man to potentially bring the parties and country together." This had a profound effect on me, and I wholeheartedly agree! Though, the jury is not out, and like you, I am awaiting to see how this race progresses and do my best to make the educated and "right" decision. If anything, people will hopefully be involved in this election and make a good choice given the disaster of the past (almost) 8 years.
Thanks for this post, and how exciting that you got to see him speak in person!
I'm not sure about this whole presidential race. I usually vote for a loser (libertarian), but I may vote democratic in the primaries just to get in the race. Seems like it will be a heated one.
Jonathan and I were discussing Al Gore over the weekend and think that he would win hands down -- over Mr. Obama and over Billary. I think Al's on the short list for a Nobel Peace Prize. I hope it gets it.
But back on topic about Barak, I think a very strong team would be Gore for president and Obama for vice.
Haha-- Billary.
Interesting thought about a Gore/Obama ticket... I know that the former VP is very popular now b/c of "The Inconvenient Truth" but popular enough to win votes in a Presidential election? I'm not so sure... but it would be interesting to see him throw his hat in the ring.
I still stand by my claim that a Governor is the best choice to be President. They have the experience necessary. Hell, Governor of California is like being President of Sweden.
I like Barack. I'm not going nuts though. Where's the beef?
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