Monday, January 23, 2006

It's been five years since my last international trip

Okay-- so that's not exactly true either. I did go to Vancouver in late October to celebrate the big 3-0 with a some of my favorite people in the whole world (does Canada still count as another country, especially with Prime Minister-elect Harper, aka President Bush's new best friend?). But I'm trying to erase that trip from my memory because we were robbed and all of our belongings stolen-- including my beloved laptop. STOLEN. In CANADA!! All those reports of "nice, friendly and trustworthy" Canadians? Yeah-- thank you, Michael Moore, for perpetuating the stereotype ("Bowling for Columbine," anyone?). Needless to say-- I will not be going to Canada again anytime soon. Give me the mean streets of downtown Hartford any day. At least there I'm prepared for the possibility of feeling utterly violated.


Anonymous said...

Speaking as a citizen of both Canada and America, it was probably an American in Canada who did this. But, sorry to hear about the robbery!