Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Random Information

Did you know that you can still "flush" your toilet even if the flusher is broken? Oh yes, dear readers it's true. And I know this is true because I'm on day #2 of not being able to flush mine. Boring story of broken toilets aside, apparently all you need is a big pot filled with water and voila! Instant flush. So lesson for the day-- stockpots have an infinite number of uses.

PS-- I dream of the day when I have more than one bathroom. I'll even settle for a half bath.

PPS-- Lesson #2 of the day is to not be overzealous with the dumping of the water in the toilet. That just leads to all sorts of problems. Just saying.


alohab said...

i DID know that. but only because i've dumped out buckets of dirty water in the toilet after scrubbing my floors. and, ha ha, i can only imagine what your lesson #2 led to...