Thursday, January 20, 2011


I have this recurring dream... I never remember any detail, but when I find myself in it, it's immediately familiar. The surroundings are almost always different, and some of the circumstances too. But the themes, and most notably the people, are always the same. It's the kind of dream that lingers when I wake-- often times throughout the entire day. It's a sad dream... a longing a dream; a "what if" dream.

We've all heard the oft-used phrase that "dreams are the conscious desires of the subconscious mind." Perhaps that's true. But a bigger part of me thinks that maybe it's just human nature to wonder what might have been. You can be completely and utterly content in your waking life but every so often your dreams tell you something else. Most people don't take dreams for anything other than what they are-- your mind totally relaxing and wandering from place to place. I don't usually dream, and tend to be one of those people who don't think much of them when I do. I mean, in college I had a Krull-like science fiction dream, still vividly remembered because of all the gore. Just plain bizarre. But inner meaning? Probably not so much.

What do you dream about? Are you ever haunted by your dreams?


ao_hoku said...

i have a recurring dream whic always involved the sea. the water is always so deep where i am not able to touch the bottom, but i am totally relaxed & focused on whether the mano will come in close enough to shore to visit.

what's odd about this? i don't swim well in real life. i can swim a couple of yards (with the swells), but that's about it. my family knows this well about me & always makes sure they are with me when i'm in the water to float me.

Kristina said...

screaming. crying. oh, yeah, that isn't part of a dream. that is real. ha ha.