It was so soft and smelled like home-- Tide laundry detergent and Bounce. And it was sooooo soft. Just like all the laundry used to be. It smelled like my linen closet in Chicago smelled... all those wonderfully clean towels and sheets... it took me right back there.
Smell is such a strong sense... a pipe reminds me of my grandfather, who died when I was 8; Drakar Noir takes me back to junior high and all the cute, popular boys who wore it. There are smells that remind me of Hawaii... and, smells that remind me of home. As clearly laundry detergent does.
Such a silly thing to be missing, but it really did pull at the pit of my stomach... I guess even nearly two years in, I'm still homesick. Or maybe I just need to import some Tide.
(Disclaimer: While I haven't actually been counting the things I miss, I'm sure if pressed I could come up with close to 162...)
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