I've blogged about my dentist in the past, but in light of recent unhappy events (including teeth that are still sore), have been fondly remembering the great customer experience at Water Tower Dental Care. Not only are they completely patient-focused, they're also so genuinely nice and actually care about your well-being. Not to mention they're state-of-the art and inspire complete confidence.
One of the things that struck me right from the beginning is that it's not just a business for them-- they're committed to patients and giving back to both the community they serve AND to those less fortunate around the world. The first month I visited they were offering teeth whitening services but 100% of your payment went to a local children's charity that provided free dental services to underprivileged children. In fact, I wrote the check directly to the charity and got to claim it on my taxes that year. They also do missionary trips to provide free dental services in areas of the world where dentistry is not up to par. I mean, how cool are they?
So, just a shout out to my friends at WTDC-- I miss you guys! And to all my Chicago friends (or even people just passing through Chicago!), go see them! You won't be sorry.
Is this a vacation shot of your dental office workers in Kenya?
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