As per usual, I hit the sale racks which like most Anthro stores are prolific and cheap. While I like to think I have endless supplies of money, I don't. Plus the continued poor economy and threat of tanking business does not bode well for my continuing to earn money. Not to mention that EVERYTHING eventually goes on sale-- especially at Anthropologie, where you can probably even pick something up at cost. And I'm nothing if not patient.
Since I work from home, my wardrobe has shifted from work attire to at home attire... but I like to at least look a little put together, even if I'm just wearing jeans. Plus, I'm a girly-girl at heart, so like to have some sort of embellishment, whether it's a necklace, or embroidery and something in my hair. I suppose one day I'll be too old for this-- or maybe I already am... but until I feel like I am, I'll steam ahead.
So I picked up these shirts that are great for layering and pairing with shorts or skinny jeans for a more casual look, or dressing up with heels or a blazer for a night out. maybe one day I'll work in an office again in which case I can break out all the suits that are tucked away in the back of my closet. Until then, casual friday is everyday in the this house.