In any case, my dear friend, J, is and was, a VERY dear friend today, in helping me organize and more importantly purge for the move ahead-- 12 trash bags full of clothes, bags, coats and random electronic equipment, 2 boxes of dishes, 6 trash bags and even a boom box later, I feel like a weight lifted off my shoulders. My fiance (WOW THAT'S WEIRD TO WRITE) couldn't believe that I had that much stuff to get rid of (oh, the wonders that he has yet to experience with his bride-to-be's prowess for storage...), but I certainly did. Not only did J spend a good 8 hours being my conscience (do I really need another black tank top?) and cheerleader, she also carted the bags and boxes for donation to Salvation Army for me and posted various wares on Craig's List. Oh yes-- I'm going retail, with some of my favorite possessions up for the taking. They've been very good to me over the years... hopefully they'll bring happiness to their next home too.