Tuesday, August 21, 2007


So, I've decided to paint my living room. Yes, I rent... but I've never loved the color (inherited from my landlord, and oddly enough, the same color as my old sofa...), but, hey-- it is what it is... and as a renter, you are just happy with not living in an all-white space. But, given that I put a nice little hole in one of the walls (failed attempt at picture-hanging... just 1-inch in diameter, but a hole is a hole), and the fact that my landlord is awesome, I felt compelled to fix the whole, which means painting the room (since I don't have the original paint color).

Long story short, I'm actually enjoying the activity. I realize I should have documented befores and afters (in effort to relish in my success), but with one wall with one coat of paint complete (the hardest one, might I add, because it's the biggest and the one with the bookshelves, meaning walls of dusty books), I figure I must press on. I'll be sure to photograph future walls... I figure at this pace, I MIGHT be done by labor day... (might I remind you, it's only one room...). So, painting is not my forte...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Long Time No Speak...

But good excuses abound... travel (family reunion in Cookeville, TN) and visitors (Aloha and Nanea from Hawaii) and most importantly, computer being repaired (LCD screen malfunction; complete replacement ensued, only to get my computer back today with a giant scratch on the cover... argh...). But to appease the angry readers (Are you angry, readers??), I thought I'd post photos of the beautiful Nanea. Here she is with Aunty's (that's me!) hairbrush and also after snagging my glasses (which hopefully she'll never have to wear in real life...). Wish I had gotten photos of her in my shoes... yes, dear friends-- the little one has a shoe fettish, just like her dear aunty. Heehee... and I had to indulge her with a pair of "twins" from Camper... shoes and bags... she's definitely a girl's girl.