Saturday, August 13, 2011

Floss your teeth, live an extra 6 years... I recently learned. Who knows if it's true (hey-- it's the weekend; I'm feeling too lazy to do the research), but I do know (from my health care marketing background) that taking care of your teeth can help ward off more serious conditions like heart disease. Who knew?

So here's your public service announcement for the week: Brusha-brusha-brusha... and remember to floss!


alohab said...

it's dandy for your teeth!

Bianca said...

Indeed, it keeps the bacteria from going in your body through your gums. All that junk stuck between your teeth have to be removed, and when you can't reach them with a toothbrush, you floss.

So when dentists tell you to floss, do so and keep your teeth and body healthy!
-Bianca Jackson

Kevin Durant said...

Awesome post! I had no idea that flossing could potentially add extra years to my life. That's definitely a motivator for me to keep up with my dental hygiene. It's great to hear that taking care of our teeth can have such a positive impact on our overall health. Thanks for the reminder to brush and floss, I'll make sure to make it a priority. Kevin durant