Monday, May 15, 2006

Mark Twain in Hawaii?

Ah, Sundays... and that means the Sunday NYT. I've sung its praises often, but today it did me an even greater service than simply the joy of lingering over the various sections from Week in Review and Arts & Leisure to Business and Sunday Styles (secretly my guiltiest of pleasures b/c of the Weddings section... but that for another blog entry...). The revered Travel section (well, revered by me, anyway...) gave us one up this week and not only covered two places near and dear to my heart (NYC and Hawaii), but also tied literature into both articles. Ah, wonderful NYT. What would I do without you?

Rather than go through what would be an extensive recap, I'll let you see them for yourselves... but both are good reads, especially if you're a book-lover like me, and/or love either of these two places:
I realize that reading online is not the same as lingering over actual newsprint with a steaming cup of joe (or in my case, tea) in your hand, but the NYT online recently got a make-over and it's quite attractive...